How to Manage ATO Tax Debt

Table of Contents

How to Manage ATO Tax Debt: An Interview with Olga Koskie

In this excellent piece, Olga Koskie from Tax Assure is interviewed by one of our finance partners, Tarek Omar from Roystone Capital.

Olga outlines the risks if you do not actively address outstanding tax debt, and discusses the ways Tax Assure can assist everyone from individuals to ASX-listed companies – and everyone in between – to get the best outcome from an engagement with the ATO.

If you want a great summary of Australian business tax debt from one of the country’s experts, give this short video a watch.

And please contact us at Tax Assure if you or your clients have tax debt. We’d love to help!

About The Author

Olga Koskie

Olga is based in Melbourne, running our operations for Victoria and Tasmania. As a lawyer and business advisor with over 15 years’ experience, Olga has a strong belief in personalised service with a holistic business view. Combined with her pragmatic and straightforward approach, this ensures we always get the best outcome for our clients.

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