ATO Payment Plan

We negotiate an ATO payment plan on your behalf, or optimise your existing payment arrangement, getting you into a compliant position that prevents further ATO legal action.

How we arrange and negotiate your ATO payment plan

The first step to making ATO payment plan contact is assessing your current circumstances. Once we receive the appropriate permissions, we engage the ATO on your behalf to assess your current tax debt and allow you space to breathe and to make an informed decision.

We analyse your objectives and cash flow needs, and what factors may affect your ability to negotiate better terms on an existing ATO payment plan. We then provide you with a report detailing our strategy for your payment plan, the process, and the fees
involved. We offer fixed, upfront fees, giving you a clear view of your overall position.

Once engaged, we undertake a more detailed investigation of your tax debt and prepare the relevant application to the ATO. Our approach takes into account the reasons that caused you to arrive at your debt position, and utilises our skills and experience to negotiate within the guidelines for what the ATO will consider to be an acceptable tax debt payment plan.

Applications are typically prepared and lodged, and an outcome obtained within 6-8 weeks.  However, if there is a relevant financing or legal deadline, we always work within those parameters, and can achieve outcomes within 24-48 hours after receiving the appropriate authorisations. If the application is not accepted at the first attempt or if further negotiation is required, then we keep working until you achieve a result.

What's different about Tax Assure

Singular focus

Tax debt negotiation and resolution is all we do. We aren’t insolvency practitioners or lenders first. Our work complements that of accountants with a separate and unique specialty: a deep understanding of how to advise on and negotiate with the ATO and state revenue offices to achieve the best possible reductions of tax debt.

Unrivalled experience

We are Australia’s most experienced tax debt advisors. Our principals each have more than 20 years’ commercial, legal and tax advice experience.  We value highly the trust we have earned from our clients and partners over years of help paying tax debt.

Unique expertise

No other firm in Australia who only provides ATO debt resolution services is registered with the Tax Practitioners Board, whose regulation ensures we meet national standards of professional and ethical conduct.

Independence is strength

Our independence means we have the freedom to always do the right thing. We don’t answer to a parent company, insolvency practitioners, or lenders. Our sole motivation is to manage and reduce your tax debt, getting you into a compliant position with the ATO so you can get on with business.

The Many Benefits Of A Tax Debt Payment Plan

There are many things that could go through your head and you may even feel like there is no clear path out of the situation.

What Our Clients Say

“Olga has been the best to deal with, she not only cares about my business but also what the end goal is for me too. I highly recommend reaching out to Olga to help you with any tax debt obligations.”

– Tyson, via Google

Frequently Asked Questions

With a well-prepared ATO payment arrangement application, it is possible to get up to three years to repay your tax debt.

ATO payment plans are not as simple as the total debt divided by a set number of weeks or months, so our work involves negotiating the best possible terms with the ATO.

In short, yes. If you have a debt that is more than 90 days overdue and over $100k, the ATO can report it to a credit reporting agency, without any warning, which goes on your credit file.

The good news is, you don’t need to pay the debt in full to prevent this, you just need to be in a compliant payment arrangement.

Business tax debt over $100,000 is reportable to credit rating agencies if there is no payment plan in place and no active engagement with the ATO regarding the debt.

Which is why it is so crucial that you speak to us sooner rather than later.

We can engage with the ATO on your behalf, get a payment plan in place and get the issue dealt with – so it doesn’t impact your access to credit.

If you miss a payment on your ATO payment plan, it will default.

If a payment arrangement defaults, then the ATO can deploy its debt collection powers to recoup your tax debt, such as a garnishee notice or director penalty notice, or by taking steps to wind up your company or make you bankrupt.

However, in many cases it is possible to renegotiate your payment arrangement to establish new terms that better suit your needs. For this reason, it is critical to engage with the ATO if you foresee that you will miss a payment on your payment plan.