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I Need Help With Tax Debt
We work with individuals with personal and business debt, as well as businesses of all industries, including large retailers and ASX listed companies.
Individuals and Businesses facing tax debt turn to Tax Assure
Tax Assure helps everyone from individuals, sole traders and partnerships to family businesses, SMEs and big corporates. We have worked with clients from every sector: construction, manufacturing, retail, food service and hospitality, transport and logistics, HR/recruitment, professions (medical, accounting, legal), real estate agents – and many more.
Most clients have a mix of principal debt and interest/penalties that have been applied to that debt over time. We are experts at achieving the maximum possible refund of penalties and interest, often hugely reducing overall debt.
Our ATO debt resolution services
Tax Debt Negotiation
Expert analysis of your ATO debt to find out if you could be paying less by reducing any interest and penalties. We negotiate with the ATO on your behalf to achieve the best possible reduction of your tax debt.
ATO Payment Plans
Keep the ATO at bay with a payment plan suited to your needs for paying tax debt. We can almost always negotiate a better arrangement for those who already have an ATO payment plan in place.
Stop ATO Legal Action
If you have a tax debt, you are at risk of legal recovery action against you and your business. We engage with the ATO on your behalf to help with paying tax debt, preventing any impending or further legal action.
What Our Clients Say
“I heard Olga speak in Hobart and
found her to be a wealth of knowledge,
passionate, and I can see her being a pit bull (meant in the most affectionate way) when it comes to helping people keep their businesses and homes in many cases.”
– Kristen, Management Consultant
What makes Tax Assure the right fit for you or your business?
Singular focus
Tax debt negotiation and resolution is all we do. We aren’t insolvency practitioners or lenders first. Our work complements that of accountants with a separate and unique specialty: a deep understanding of how to advise on and negotiate with the ATO and state revenue offices to achieve the best possible reductions of tax debt.
Unrivalled experience
We are Australia’s most experienced tax debt advisors. Our principals each have more than 20 years’ commercial, legal and tax advice experience. We value highly the trust we have earned from our clients and partners over years of help paying tax debt.
Unique expertise
No other firm in Australia who only provides ATO debt resolution services is registered with the Tax Practitioners Board, whose regulation ensures we meet national standards of professional and ethical conduct.
Independence is strength
Our independence means we have the freedom to always do the right thing. We don’t answer to a parent company, insolvency practitioners, or lenders. Our sole motivation is to manage and reduce your tax debt, getting you into a compliant position with the ATO so you can get on with business.

- "I cannot believe you have done this. You are a superstar."
If at first you don’t succeed, try again with Tax Assure
- A tyre dealer with service garages had been growing before the pandemic, and then suffered greatly as a result of struggling to import tyres, paying increased shipping costs and the effect of the lockdowns on the garages. With a tax debt over $500,000, the Commissioner began steps towards ATO legal action when the director was issued with a DPN, making him personally liable for the outstanding debt. The company had tried several times to negotiate a payment plan unsuccessfully.
- Tax Assure investigated the client’s circumstances with the ATO and prepared relevant applications using our knowledge of the tax office.
- We were able to negotiate an interest free plan on terms that suited the company’s cash flow, with a full remission of over $70,000 interest charges that had accrued on the debt to that point.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes and no. Accountants have a broad role in the oversight of a client’s financial management. Whilst we often work closely with accountants as we help clients navigate tax debt, most accountants are not specialists in tax debt resolution.
Approximately 30-40% of Tax Assure’s clients are referred by accountants who want to connect those clients with specialists in managing tax debt. Tax Assure provides a separate and specialist expertise in how to navigate the complexities of the ATO, the various debt departments, people, processes, regulations and documentation that is critical to ensuring the best possible outcome for your tax debt.
All of our clients are kept private and all information is kept confidential. Only with your permission is any of your information shared with an enforcement authority such as the ATO, and only for the purposes of reducing your tax debt.
We act for a number of large corporate clients and understand the importance of maintaining privacy.