How To Avoid ATO Debt Collection

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There is no better time than now to deal with your tax debt and avoid ATO debt collection.

Putting it off or hoping that the issue will miraculously just work itself out or go away is a very dangerous path to take.

Doing nothing is not an option. Things can get very serious, very quickly.

It’s understandable to feel overwhelmed and that there is no light at the end of the tunnel. The good news is there is help at hand.

It makes sense to enlist in the services of tax debt specialists. It’s why a growing number of clients turn to the experts at Tax Assure.

You can avoid your tax debt becoming an issue that continues to escalate by taking the all-important first step in finding the right solution for your particular circumstances.

Finding the right help

With any tax debt or dealings with the ATO, you need to be proactive rather than reactive.

One of the best things you can do for yourself (and your business) is to find the right team who can help you negotiate the often difficult way forward. That’s where Tax Assure stands out from the crowd.

You have a team with years of experience in negotiating directly with the ATO (as well as state revenue offices) on behalf of a wide range of clients.

Having a formal ATO payment arrangement is more important than ever. With a professional team like Tax Assure, you can have that arrangement put in place, with an agreed term of payments which may even reduce your overall debt in certain cases.

This is your chance to get on top of your tax debt and leave that stress and worry behind, so you can get on with running your business and making it a success.

Without the right help behind you, that task can feel daunting and almost impossible.

Tax debt and collection procedures

The ATO is more active in recovering tax debt than it has been over the last few years, particularly during the height of the Covid pandemic. This change means that you need to be as proactive as possible about your debt.

Despite what you may think, the ATO is only concerned with having you pay what you lawfully owe and understand that taxpayers, sole traders, and those operating a small business can suffer from cash flow issues.

Those issues can prevent someone from repaying their tax bill on time and in its entirety.

The ATO asks that you engage with them as early as possible, so they “can help you deal with your debt while it’s still manageable”. 

That’s why it pays to enlist the help of the experts to avoid your tax debt becoming a matter of ATO debt collection.

Tax Assure has helped a wide variety of clients including everyone from:

  • individuals,
  • sole traders and partnerships,
  • family businesses,
  • SMEs and large corporates

Most clients have a mix of principal debt, and interest/penalties that have been added to that debt over time. 

With a dedicated team of professionals engaging with the ATO on your behalf and having approved arrangements in place, the stress and worry is taken out of the equation.

The helping hand you need

The path to financial recovery begins with the all-important first step. Talk to the experts as soon as possible and get on top of your ATO debt with a custom ATO payment arrangement.

There is no point waiting any longer. It will only make matters worse.

With help from the experts at Tax Assure, you can get you back into a position of compliance. It’s all about working out a payment plan you can afford.

In some specific cases, your overall tax debt may even be reduced.

Getting on top of your tax debt is easier than you realise.

Talk to the specialists in tax debt reduction today. That’s Tax Assure.

About The Author

Amanda Shell

Head of Advisory
Amanda is a lawyer and debt advisory specialist, having worked across commercial and tax debt for the entirety of her 13-year career. Before joining Tax Assure, Amanda gained experience in commercial debt collection, providing her with the alternate perspective of agencies pursuing debt. Motivated to apply her expertise to help people facing financial difficulty, Amanda has since developed a reputation as one of Australia’s leading tax debt advisors.

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