The Many Benefits Of A Tax Debt Payment Plan

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Having a tax debt can often feel overwhelming.

There are many things that could go through your head and you may even feel like there is no clear path out of the situation.

This is when talking to the experts in tax debt negotiation and specialist advice could be the best thing you do.

Having a tax debt payment plan in place is the key to managing that ATO debt.

How does it all come together and what are the benefits of that payment plan?

The solution to your tax debt problem

A tax debt may be a result of a number of different issues.

The most important thing to do is to deal with that tax debt as soon as possible. Leaving it to deal with later or ignoring it altogether will only make the matter worse and could end up costing you more money and more unnecessary stress.

The first step is to know exactly what your total tax debt is and at what stage of action/escalation you are with the ATO.

The government announced in early November that it has dedicated $1.1 billion to the tax avoidance taskforce. This is to help reclaim the $33.4 billion shortfall in tax collected in the 2019-2020 period. It is a clear message that the ATO is focussed on tax debt recovery. You do not want to be caught up in that recovery process.

That’s why having experts who are able to deal with the ATO directly can be hugely beneficial. There is a trusted team of professionals who are able to request a stop to any recovery or legal action. They can then give you a detailed understanding of where you stand and the actual amount you owe.

More often than not, your tax debt will be manageable and there can be ways to reduce the amount owing. There may even be possible refunds on interest and penalties in specific circumstances.

It pays to enlist the help of experts to work through all the complexities.

Taking the confusion out of the situation

The often confusing thing about a tax debt is that the situation can be worse than you think or less drastic than you realise. Either way, there is a major stress involved in dealing with that debt.

Evaluating where things stand is the key to finding the best way forward. Having a full review and a detailed assessment of your situation makes all the difference.

Once the confusion is cleared and you know exactly where you stand, the benefits of enlisting the skills and experience of tax debt professionals come to the fore.

With a well-devised and manageable tax debt payment plan in place, you can be on the road to a better financial future.

The benefits of tax debt specialists

Having a specialist team on your side can make all the difference, especially when it comes to dealing with a tax debt.

The good news is that there is one team who you can rely on to help you manage that tax debt in the most effective and efficient way.

Whether you have a business tax debt or individual ATO debt, the experts you need are right here for you at Tax Assure.

There is no need to delay the serious issue of a tax debt any longer when professional help is just a phone call away. You can avoid the danger of ATO debt collection by getting expert assistance from the true specialists.

Tax Assure have the experience and expertise through negotiating tax debt on a daily basis for a wide range of clients. Even accountants who have a client with a tax debt issue rely on our specialised services.

We pride ourselves on getting the best possible outcome. You can stop worrying because we don’t stop until you get a result.

The best time to get on top of your tax debt is right now.

Contact us today to make more of tomorrow.

About The Author

Olga Koskie

Olga is based in Melbourne, running our operations for Victoria and Tasmania. As a lawyer and business advisor with over 15 years’ experience, Olga has a strong belief in personalised service with a holistic business view. Combined with her pragmatic and straightforward approach, this ensures we always get the best outcome for our clients.

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